Our Services


Technical assistance on ECE policy and finance

Consultation with and support for Legislative Commissions, State and Local policymakers, advocacy groups, philanthropy and others seeking to craft recommendations for effective policy and finance.

Policy Analysis and Development

Review and comment on proposed laws, rules, regulations; research alternative approaches used in other states; help craft new policy.

Strategic Advice

Provide regular telephone consultation/coaching to project directors, advocates and others seeking to lead change; Serve on the Alliance for Early Success “rapid response” team, as support for state advocates.

Field research

Help gather information for survey research on the ECE sector.

Issue briefs, fact sheets

Write easy-to-digest summaries on key issues.


In partnership with kbdzines, create engaging visuals to communicate information quickly and clearly.

Public Speaking

Louise Stoney has served as a conference Keynote Speaker, planned and led numerous conference workshops, testified before legislative committees, and more.